A look at Newark’s Terrell Homes
The 70-Unit apartment complex is coming to life in new digital renderings. The property looks absolutely beautiful.
The Newark Housing Authority is planning to partner with a private developer to bring close to 70 residential units for seniors to the Terrell Homes site.
Source: New Details Revealed About Development Around Newark’s Terrell Homes | Jersey Digs
Tax Abatement Possible for 69-Unit Development Around Newark’s Terrell Homes
Terrell Redevelopment Partners Urban Renewal, LP of Fort Lee submitted an application calling for a 30-year tax abatement in connection with their plans for part of the Millard E. Terrell Homes premises at 59-97 Chapel Street, according to the proposed ordinance.
Source: https://jerseydigs.com/tax-abatement-possible-for-69-unit-development-around-newarks-terrell-homes/