45,000 Square Feet of Elegance

Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart is one of Newark’s most elegant treasures, and it stands out among the tall buildings of the city.

This 45,000-square-foot cathedral in NJ houses grand elegance and global history

Perched on Newark's highest peak is a towering, 45,000-square-foot cathedral that houses grand elegance and global history, but the architectural wonder has plenty of secrets waiting to be uncovered. Explore more of its beauty: http://bit.ly/CathedralBasilicaoftheSacredHeart

Posted by Jersey's Best on Monday, October 14, 2019

For one, it is just a stone’s throw from the largest collection of cherry blossom trees in America — a spectacle of its own in the spring — but what you will find amid the ever-changing metropolis is something that is often seen yet rarely appreciated to the fullest extent.

Source: https://www.jerseysbest.com/beauty-beyond-belief-discover-the-sacred-landmark-that-houses-grand-elegance-and-global-history/